Simple Faith, Miraculous Healing

On 6 July 2013, on the Saturday when Pastor Poh Wee Long preached a sermon on healing titled “Touching Where It Hurts”, I was praying for my cell member (PC), who was diagnosed with thyroid and was on medication for the last two years. To give you some background on PC, she comes from a under-average family, and graduated from a special school, but she is a normal, functioning person.

Although, PC didn't respond to the altar call and just stood at the pew that Saturday, I sensed God calling her to respond and offered to accompany her. By then, there were many people at the front of stage and in my mind, I knew the chances of having a pastor anoit her with oil and pray for her would be slim, considering that we were so far behind. But the Lord spoke to me saying “Don't you believe in the power of your prayer? I honour your act of responding to My call. Healing will begin the moment she steps out. May, you just have to pray and let Me do the work.”

I urged PC to step out right away and prayed for her, claiming complete healing upon her, then I sensed God wanting her to verbalise the prayer and led her to say a simple prayer over herself. I was very convicted she would be healed as I could feel God's tender love flowing into her as she prayed. After praying, I asked her “Do you believe you will be healed totally?” and she responded with a convincing nod. 

On 8 July 2013, through our cell group’s whatsapp chat group, I rallied the cell to continue to pray for PC. On 12 July 2013, she sent sent a simple message to the group which read: “Don’t need to take medicine anymore!” She went for her regular checkup that day and the doctor found that her thyroid condition had normalised – she was totally healed!

I have prayed for healing before, but this was the first time that I personally felt so convicted and believed that the healing would actually take place. Indeed, all God requires from us is just SIMPLE FAITH and IMMEDIATE RESPONSE!

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