A New Beginning

I truly believe that we have entered a new season. Not just as a single church, but as the entire body of Christ in Singapore. Over the past few months, God has been stirring something new in our midst and I thought it’d be important for us to take a moment to reflect on these.

2018 – A Year of Prayer
Last year, churches across different denominations came together to focus on praying and seeking God. We had the 40-Day Solemn Assembly that culminated at Day of His Power, which had a record-breaking number of close to 10,000 Christians coming together to pray. And of course, who could forget what followed – PraySingapore. For the first time in our history, we saw over 31,000 Christians in Singapore gather with one heart and one spirit to seek the welfare of our nation and pray down the presence of God. It truly was something awesome.

2019 – A Year of Proclamation
Following all that focus on prayer, it was time for the church to act. With that, preparations for Celebration of Hope picked up and just two weekends ago, we were amazed as we saw some 125,000 people gathered at the National Stadium to lift the name of Jesus and celebrate hope. Not only that, but another 500,000 people joined us online and many responded to the gospel through social media even. We saw 6,000 people responding at the rallies themselves, and I am so thankful as this means 6,000 lives that can and will be transformed.

For us as a church, our focus has always been on aligning ourselves with what God wants the local body of Christ to do. As I look back, I believe God has honoured us as we remain faithful. We launched our pilot 幸福小组 (xing fu xiao zu) groups, which saw some 300 people responding to the gospel, and last weekend we saw a record number of 105 people baptised at our services. Additionally, we also had 61 people who responded across all our services too. Praise God!

All these can only happen through God. As Scripture says, it’s not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit. FCBC, I want to encourage us to continue strong. Revival is coming, and how we’re going to catch that is by staying faithful.

“For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew — I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these.”
– Zechariah 8:12

- Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong

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