There is nothing more humiliating and frustrating for a professional fisherman than to have no catch of fish. Catching fish is the ultimate and only purpose of a fisherman. Peter was in this predicament in Luke 5. Verse 5 tells us he had “worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything.” Jesus came into his boat and told him to “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (verse 4) Reluctantly, he replied, “because you say so, I will let down the nets.” (verse 5) Basically, Peter was saying, “If you say so, Lord.” Yet, the result was amazing. The net was so full of fish that it began to break. They needed others from another boat to help with the abundant catch. The scene was set for Jesus to issue a call that would totally change the direction and purpose of Peter’s life. Jesus said, “from now on you will fish for people.” (verse 10)
There is only one goal for any disciple of Christ – to “fish for people” or evangelise to the lost. Our life as a disciple is measured solely by the souls we win for the Lord. Fishers of fish catch fish, but fishers of people catch people with the gospel of salvation and help them become fishers of people themselves. Yes, we must walk closely with the Lord, but we do so to win souls. We pray unceasingly to win souls. We lead holy lives to be used by God to save souls. It is the purpose of every disciple of Christ.
2018 is a year where we battle for lost souls in prayer. Next year at Celebration of Hope in May, we will reap the victory that we have won through prayer, and I believe that every one of us will win many lives for Jesus Christ. Now is the time for God to touch our hearts with a compassion for the lost, equip us with skills to win them, and launch us into a life of winning the lost for Him! By God’s grace, we will not be fishless fishermen, but fruitful soul winners.
- Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong