One dream that my dad always had was for God to give FCBC the multitudes. Just this week, I felt the Lord giving me this very same dream. Sure, I’ve always believed in it, but I never truly owned it.
So where do I go from here? Well, I’m reminded of what Pastor César always taught us about dreaming by faith. We must claim God’s promise, visualise the outcome, confess its completion, and persevere in prayer and action. So, here’s what I am going to do.
First, I’m going to claim God’s promise found in His word. God told Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. By faith, I claim this to be a word for us as a church.
Second, I’m going to visualise this outcome. I will see through eyes of faith that our services will be filled with God’s power and presence, and that every service will be overflowing with people.
Third, I’m going to confess that this will come to pass. There’s this line in the song “Fullness” that I really love. It says, “Speak revival, prophesy like it is done.” One specific area I’m going to prophesy over is the need to start English services over at Gateway Theatre. We’ve always said that we’ll do that only when the need arises, but I’m going to declare right now that this is a YES and AMEN.
Finally, I’m going to persevere in prayer and action for the multitudes. My resolve to pray for FCBC and do better in leading the church has never been greater. This dream may be seemingly absurd, but that’s exactly why perseverance in prayer and action is required.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited. We are in a new season that God is leading us through. As I pen this, I sense the Lord telling me that FCBC is being coiled like a spring. We are being pressed in on all sides, but only because we’re being prepared to spring forward with a force we’ve never experienced before.
- Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong