What does a new year mean to you? To some, it’s a chance to start afresh. While to many others, it carries hope and expectation that the new year will be a much better one, without the problems and trials of the previous year. We always ask for a year filled abundantly with goodness, peace, happiness and prosperity.
At this first service of 2018, I want to remind us of our Lord’s promise in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.” Yes, God is doing a new thing. Some people interpret this verse as God promising to bless us with new and improved things. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Each year has its share of blessings and burdens, and without a doubt, 2018 will present us with an interesting mixture of blessings and burdens too.
But fear not, for the Lord is with us. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, He has set before us a new way of life. Gone are the old ways, which dictate us, “if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” (Matthew 19:17) Knowing we are unable to keep the commandments, our Lord Jesus graciously set before us another way, by becoming one of us. He came not to judge us, but to deliver us and save us. Jesus laid aside His majesty to become one with us and love us! This is something that’s completely new. For us who’ve given our lives to Jesus, the Holy Spirit has birthed in us a new life, filled with new feelings, new desires, and new works.
So, when God said, “I make all things new”, He is assuring us that He will renew and transform all creation, including ourselves, that have been defiled by sin. He will wipe every tear from our eyes and bring us to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness and justice shall reign, and God shall dwell with His people for eternity.
Let us live victorious lives in 2018!
- Senior Pastor Nina Khong