I trust that we all had a good break over the Chinese New Year holidays. Really, it’s great to be able to spend time with family and friends, and celebrate the festive season together.
Well, I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you at church this weekend. I’ve been away for quite awhile now and it’s good to be back. Earlier in January, I was away for two weeks for my annual reservist training. Following that, I came back just in time for Chinese New Year, where we didn’t have services over the weekend. Our Senior Pastors also blessed the FCBC staff with a week-long block leave and closed the church office for the entire Chinese New Year season.
To be honest, it feels like I’ve been gone for an eternity. But now that I’m back, I’m excited to be bringing the word to all of you this weekend, and even more excited to kick off a new sermon series called “Come Follow Jesus” starting next weekend. If you recall, we had a sermon series a couple of years ago called “Come Meet Jesus”. I thought that was a great series but this time round, we’re going to bring it one step further.
Often, many of us have met Jesus. But despite meeting Jesus, we don’t change our lives. I’m reminded of the rich young ruler in Mark 10. He met Jesus, and he claimed to have obeyed all of the Lord’s commands. But the one thing he couldn’t do was to lay aside all that he had to follow Jesus. You see, meeting Jesus is one thing. Following Him is something else altogether.
I pray that as we move into this new series of messages that the Lord has for us, we will all learn what it means to follow Jesus. As Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 5:1,
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do...”
- Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong