Evangelism is an integral part of discipleship. A true disciple of Christ is excited to know Him and make Him known. This concept is embedded in the Old Testament. Isaiah 12:4 says, “And in that day you will say: ‘Praise the Lord, call upon His name; declare His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted.’”
Three truths flow out of Isaiah chapter 12:
1. Evangelism flows out of Gratitude
“You will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation” (verse 3)
“Cry aloud and shout for joy” (verse 6)
The fullness of gratitude and the fruit of joy give rise to an empowered witness!
2. Evangelism flows out of Personal Testimony
“Make known His deeds among the peoples” (verse 4)
Notice that the verse does not tell us to make known His teachings, but to make known His deeds. Church, I challenge you to walk afresh with God. Then, observe and testify to what God does in your life. Your personal testimony is powerful in building up the faith of pre-believers.
3. Evangelism flows out of Remembrance
“Make them remember that His name is exalted” (verse 4)
Don’t forget the glory of your salvation (verse 2). And don’t forget what God has done for you (verse 5). Most importantly, don’t ever forget to proclaim Him!
This is what evangelism is all about. This is what 幸福小组 (xing fu xiao zu) is all about.
- Apostolic Overseer Lawrence Khong