It really was a tremendous privilege for us to have been part of the 40-Day Solemn Assembly this year. During the week when we hosted nightly gatherings at TC, I could just sense an awesome atmosphere and see a spirit of prayer rising among us. But I believe one thing was on many of our minds during that entire week. Why “Solemn Assembly”?
Well, this comes right out of Scripture itself. The events of the book of Joel took place in the southern kingdom of Judah, which had just suffered from a terrible locust plague. The Prophet Joel used this to preach and declare God’s judgment on the people. He called for the people to gather and hold a Solemn Assembly to cry out to the Lord for deliverance (Joel 1:14).
And God is a God of grace. He hears our cries and does not turn a deaf ear to us. While judgment was dispensed, God also gave a call to repentance (Joel 2:12) and a promise of restoration (Joel 2:19 / Joel 2:23) through Joel. This then leads on to one of the most well-known passages in Scripture, which tells us about how God’s Spirit will be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28-29).
What I want to teach us is this. The Solemn Assembly in Scripture really was a catalyst that brought forth repentance, restoration, and in turn a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit. The same applies to us. As the Pastors of the city sought the Lord, we felt the Lord telling us that Singapore is on the cusp of revival. And for us to see revival, it must start off with a time of crying out to the Lord in unity. I believe this is precisely what we’re doing in these 40 days, and with it, I know that God hears our cries. God is preparing the church of Singapore to rise up for a new season of His outpouring, and I am excited for what is to come.
- Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong