Most of us have heard this phrase, “We are human beings, not human doings.” The intent of such a saying is to highlight the importance of being over the supposed mindless activity of doing. While I understand that, I need to stress that our being is contingent upon our doing.
We are shaped not by what we say, but by what we do! In the Great Commission, Jesus Himself emphasised the act of doing - “teaching them to observe [to obey, to do] all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:20).
Jesus did not say, “teach them to reflect...; teach them to discuss...; teach them to lecture...; teach them to write about all that I commanded you”. No, Jesus said, “teach them to do”.
As we begin 幸福小组 (xing fu xiao zu) in FCBC, it is my prayer that every disciple will win souls for the Lord. As we do the work of evangelism, we will be a true disciple of the Lord. A true disciple is marked by just one basic characteristic - constantly winning people for the Lord.
As we earnestly seek to win the lost, we will draw close to God for spiritual strength, miraculous love and godly character. We will also pray like never before. In so doing, not only will we grow into the likeness of Christ, we will reflect the beauty of the Lord. Remember: Your doing will develop and reflect your being.
- Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong