This May, FCBC together with churches from all across Singapore and Asia will be coming together for the Empowered21 Asia Congress. It’s going to be a tremendous time and we hope to see all of you there. FCBC has been a part of Empowered21 (E21) for several years now with our Senior Pastor serving as the Co-Chair of the E21 Asian Cabinet. I know that E21 might be something new to many of us, but I’d like to share with you why I’m so excited that FCBC is a part of this and that Singapore has been selected to host this year’s congress.
E21 is a global movement that hosts Pentecost celebrations every year. Their aim is for churches and believers to celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit and cry out for revival across the land. The last few gatherings in Asia were held in Jakarta, with 2015’s celebration held in Jerusalem, and 2016’s in London. We’re thankful that some of you joined us for these celebrations over the years, but this time all of you can join us! This year, the privilege to host this congress falls on Singapore, and FCBC together with the LoveSingapore churches have the honour of hosting not just Singapore, but all of Asia for this celebration. As of now, we have over a thousand foreign delegates who have already registered and will be joining us!
E21 is a global movement that believes in the empowerment of all believers by the Holy Spirit, and the empowerment of the next generation to serve the Lord. Their vision is for every person on Earth to have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033. This is something I’m really excited about because we need a new revival in Singapore. Last year, we cried out as a G12 family for God to send His rain. This year, we are going to cry out as a nation and as the whole of Asia for God to fan the flames of revival and fire up generations for His work.
Church, I want to encourage all of you to really make it a point to be there. E21 isn’t just another movement for us to sit and soak. It is a movement that calls us to action by seeking and serving. Immediately after the congress, we’re going to have a healing rally by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and I know many people are going to be healed and saved. I believe that we are at a tipping point here in Singapore and this E21 Asia Congress is going to be the catalyst to spark a new move of the Holy Spirit here in Singapore.
- Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong